Monday 12 August 2019

             πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰    UED 102 : STUDY SKILLS

(above is the video representation of my group work)

Assalamualaikum, Hello, Salam UiTM di Hatiku and Salam Kampus Khazanah Alam. #Jengka!

My name is Nurul Najwa binti Mohamad Rasli. I am an undergraduate in Diploma in Science who is studying in UiTM Cawangan Pahang Kampus Jengka. The followings are some information about myself. I was born on 16th of November at Hospital Taiping. There are six people in my family; my parents, my brother, my sisters and myself. I and my family live in Cheras,Kuala Lumpur. I attended SMK Bandar Damai Perdana to proceed my secondary education.I enjoy listening to rock or pop music. For example, the band Queen,Panic!At The Disco,The Beatles etc.I also enjoy watching western movies and my current favorite is the Avengers. πŸ‘

What is UED 102? It's a course which instill learning skills essential for varsity life within the students. How does this study skills will help us, the students?

 The followings are the content of UED 102 :

Now, let's know further about the study skills! However, don't forget to recite this prayer first whenever you're studying new things.


#Getting ready to learn

Place : Dewan Kuliah 2
By: Sir Mohamad Azam Akmal bin Abu Bakar
Date: 7th of August 2019


My perspectives : 

a) In high school, knowing that I could choose my classes made me utterly excited. Unfortunately, that 17 year old kid was wrong. Classes and all activities would be fun indeed if I actually found a best friend to attend with. 
b) I have to cope with living around strangers for 6 months. My statement does not mean living with housemates is a bad thing. However, it would take a very long time to learn about each other's little secrets which might make you uncomfortable and vice versa. 
c) I have to be independent and make my own decisions. Students will likely to find a hard time at making decisions in the first few months but that is why counselors exist; always seek their help whenever you are confused. They are not skilled to decide something for you, instead, they will help you find the advantages and disadvantages of your decisions. 

Above is the formal attire that students have to follow ^

#Characteristics of successful students
πŸ‘‰ 7 steps to college success

Attend all classes : Despite not being under controlled, it does not mean you can leisurely skip classes. Attend today and achieve tomorrow!

Become an active learner : Get yourself  involves in problem solving, discussion, role plays, case studies and others. Don't be a shy cat!

Participate in class : Ask questions during lecture or at the end of class. Lecturer loves it when you ask them questions. :)

Get to know your lecturers : Greet and meet your lecturers. Thus, students could easily approach the lecturers for further information or whenever they have something in their minds. 

Form study groups with friends : Study group is a way for you to understand better about a subject. The students can discuss and make a conclusion out of a topic. Remember , two heads are better than one(cliche).

Be receptive to change : Do change your styles of learning sometimes. Keeping up with the same study pattern isn't bad, but it will be fun to explore new things. 

Stay up to date with your work : Update your schedule everyday during your leisure time. Tick the task you have done and add new task if it is needed. 

Learning styles inventory

Here's my result :

How would I change my preferred learning styles?

The results above shows that my learning styles should involves visual and auditory. I completely agree with using visual and colors in my notes. In the meantime, I also find that learning using auditory is an interesting way for me to understand better.Below is an example of the note I've taken during high school.


Place : Dewan Kuliah 2

By : Sir Mohamad Azam Akmal bin Abu Bakar
Date : 7th of August 2019

Using the goal setting , S.M.A.R.T would help you achieve your goals!

Characteristics of effective goal setting

Make sure your goals are clearly specified. Understand what,who,when,why and where do you need this goal to be.

It's important to see the progress you are doing. Thus, you feel the excitement and in need to stay motivated! 

Be a risk-taker , always go for the challenging goals. However, it shouldn't go beyond the reality or impossible to achieve.

An aspect to keep your goals matter to yourself and also consistent with other relevant goals. Hold on to what drives you and remember why you even chase your goals in the first place.

Have a goals due , so you could never waste your time for other unimportant things. Makes your goals an everyday priority.

Benefits of goal setting

πŸ’– Improves performance
πŸ’– Increase motivation in daily life
πŸ’– Increase your pride and satisfaction
πŸ’– Improve self confidence
πŸ’– Eliminates attitude that hold you back which cause negativity

Activity : The Five Step Approach (Personal goal)

Goal statement ⇨ I want to save my self-earned money at least RM 2000
List of obstacles ⇨ - There are more things/bills I have to pay.
                                       - I always have to get ready with my saving just in case there's an emergency
List of resources ⇨ - scholarship
                                        - online business
                                        - working salary
Revised goal statement ⇨ I'll try to earn at least RM2000 .
Polished goal statement ⇨ I will get RM2000 for this semester and RM2500+ next semester.


Place : Dewan Kuliah 2
By : Sir Mohamad Azam Akmal bin Abu Bakar
Date : 7th of August 2019



Time management is one's ability to use the time effectively , so the right time is allocated to the right activity. 

5 strategies of study system

πŸ’« Daily planner
πŸ’« Weekly schedule
πŸ’« Semester calendar
πŸ’« Academic vs Personal life

Procrastination is an act of delaying or postponing a task. Procrastinators tend to finish their assignment or task near to due date , or just before due.

πŸ‘‰ Procrastination is a bad psychological behavior because it could be the great reason of anxiety and stress among students.


πŸ’€ Perfectionist
πŸ’€ Avoid failure
πŸ’€ Lazy
πŸ’€ Being rebellious


⌛ Prioritized
Manage your schedule according to the most important task to a lesser one. While doing so, always focus on your needs, not emotions. 

Alert to deadline
I believe, as a student, we should check the calendar daily to see if there's any important matter. Also, download any applications that could remind you of the deadline or upcoming events. 

Have fun doing the activity
Back to our learning styles inventory, each students shall follow the method of studying they suit the most. Hence, finishing an assignment wouldn't be so boring. Learning styles inventory plays an important role while doing assignments because it's a way to learn and understand better.

Everybody loves self-reward. Gift yourself with something you'd love to have, or go anywhere you'd like to pay off your hardships.If you love watching dramas, you might as well catch up on all 3 seasons of Stranger Things on Netflix before season 4 comes out!


πŸ’– Keep on schedule and meet deadline
You don't have to worry about extending your schedule and clash other events altogether. Keeping up with your schedule is what helps to take load off your shoulders.

πŸ’– Reduce stress
Have you ever experienced the feeling of being free from homework back then in high school? If so, you surely understand how best the feeling is when your assignments are all DONE.

πŸ’– Complete work with less stress
Students got more time in finding sources in order to complete their assignments or tasks. Thus, they have a higher chance to gain a good result.

πŸ’– Build your confidence
With procrastination, students are likely to catch anxiety and feeling worried about not making the best out of their assignments. This prove why you should always organize the matter things in your life.


This is the weekly schedule (during Interim break) :
This is the schedule for next 6 months :



Place : Dewan Kuliah 2
By : Madam Norihan binti Hj.Yahya
Date : 14th of August 2019

I am studying at Kampus Khazanah Alam ! (It's Jengka 😌)

Types of resources at UiTM Cawangan Pahang Kampus Jengka :
  • Acedemics Resources – Library, information technology & computer. Eg : Perpustakaan Al-Bukhari, Bangunan Pentadbiran, Makmal IT, HEA
  • Housing, Dining and Transportation Resources – Buses, Dining Places. Eg : Bus station, DM Kolej Tok Gajah,Koperasi, Van, Bus
  • Student Organization Resources – Extra–curricular, Leisure Activities. Eg : HEP, Padang Ragbi,Tennis court, Kem Sri Gading.

πŸ‘‰ Kolej Kediaman Tok Gajah

Kolej Kediaman Tok Gajah is an accommodation for the female students. There are 4 well-equipped blocks which is A,B,C and D. Kolej Kediaman Tok Gajah has 10 level for each block, making it the first highest building with elevator ever built in Bandar Jengka.The houses have its own pantry, dry yard and toilet.There are 4 rooms in each house, which is perfect for approximately 2 students in each room.

πŸ‘‰ Perpustakaan Al-Bukhari

 Perpustakaan ITM Cawangan Pahang was originally built in 1985 at Kuantan,Pahang before it changes place to Bandar Jengka in 1993 and changed its name to Perpustakaan Al-Bukhari. There are two libraries in Kampus Jengka which is Perpustakaan Al-Bukhari 1 & Perpustakaan Al-Bukhari 2. These libraries collected and serve brilliant quality of journals,books,biographies etc. It also use the OPAC system, which makes the process of borrowing books easier. Anyone could access through OPAC system using their matrix number. The students and staffs only have to go to the website to find further information they needed.

πŸ‘‰ Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar UiTM Pahang Kampus Jengka (HEP)

HEP is responsible to provide facilities such as accommodation, sport, and student welfare.To put it simply, HEP covers all of the issues of students welfare.Hence, students are well-balanced spiritually and physically.

For instance, at UiTM Pahang Kampus Jengka, there's a medical centre responsible to give treatments to the personnel of UiTM.

Masjid Uwais al-Qarni is also provided in the campus as a worship place for Muslim students. There are lot of activities and programs held in the Masjid for students to develop a religious personality which is an important aspect in order to become successful in life.

πŸ‘‰ Bahagian Hal Ehwal Akademik UiTM Pahang Kampus Jengka (HEA)

HEA is responsible to take care of all the university academic affairs. HEA ensures that all students excel academically. 

πŸ‘‰ Medan Selera Tok Gajah

Medan Selera Tok Gajah is located in the area of Kolej Kediaman Tok Gajah. Besides food, there are also printing shop, koperasi and also bakery.


Place : Dewan Kuliah 2
By : Madam Norihan binti Hj.Yahya
Date : 14th of August


What is memory? πŸ’«

Memory is the ability to encode,store and retrieve information and past experience(in human brain).

Where do we store memory?

That's right. Humans store all the data and information in the brain unlike computers which store small amount of data in the keyboard,printer,sections of motherboard and processor.Meanwhile, large amount of data are temporarily stored in memory chips and video card.


5 memory strategies to remember


Try to understand the content you have read before memorizing it. Relate yourself with the information, so it will be easier to learn. For instance, before you learn about a specific event of a history, try exploring the map where the event occur. This will help you have a clear vision of the history and understand better.


Calling out all the daydreamers out there! Visualization is indeed an interesting memory strategy to remember well. Imagining the information you have read makes it better for you to understand what's going on in the book. For example, as you read the information about the stages in metamorphosis of butterflies, try visualizing how adult female butterfly laid eggs on plants in order to start another life of its species. This method get even better if you try drawing chart,graphs or pictures out of it.


Mnemonic makes memorizing an information easier. It's a very popular method among students as they could have fun while remembering a content. In order to remember the colors of rainbow, some students make up a mnemonic. As an example, Rinse Out Your Granny's Boots In Vinegar which the other meaning of the bold letters are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.


Mnemonics are too long for you? worry no more. Try out the other method called acronyms! It's easier and shorter in sentence. Like, the word NASA. What does NASA stand for? It stands of National Aeronautics (and) Space Administration. 


Try reading out loud the information so that you could hear the words. Talking to yourself is an effective way to have a clearer vision of the content you have read. Your friends might consider you as a maniac but no worries, it's better to pass an exam because of being crazy rather than being crazy after failing an exam.



Concentration is the ability to direct one's attention in accordance with one's will.

Causes of poor concentration

πŸ‘Ž Easily distracted
πŸ‘Ž Trouble of paying attention in class
πŸ‘Ž Uncomfortable environment
πŸ‘Ž Sleepy
πŸ‘Ž Psychological matters - anxiety, depression

Ways to improve concentration

πŸ‘ Take a break

Taking a break from the thing that been distracting you will help enhance your concentration.

πŸ‘ Read motivational quotes

Motivational quotes give you positive vibes. It's better to read them daily to stay motivated and committed to study and learning new things for the sake of your bright future.

πŸ‘ Sleep 7-9 hours a day

Students must have their own sleep pattern but the most suitable one is to sleep 7 to 9 hours per day. Most of university students are young adult. Young adulthood is the important time of growth,learning and exploration. 

πŸ‘ Take a good care of your dietary

To increase your ability to concentrate, you might want to add healthy food such as walnuts, avocados and chocolates into your diet. In contrast, eating sunnah foods like raisins,dates and honey will surely makes your brain function even better.

πŸ‘ Match your learning style to the task

Identify your preferred learning styles to gain new information easily.


SQ3R (comprehension method)

1. Survey

Before you read the text, survey the chapter
πŸ‘‰ look at the heading,subheading,the questions, graphs or charts,introduction and summary

2. Question

Question yourself while surveying
πŸ‘‰ Try to recall what your lecturer taught in the class before. Have framework of answers.

3. Read

πŸ‘‰ Answer the questions then look for the answer scheme of the questions. Reread again all the captions,heading,subheading etc. Study the graphic aids and reduce your reading speed when facing difficulty in some passages. 

4. Recite

πŸ‘‰Recite/Talk to yourself about what have you just read, summarize in your own words. Jot down the summary and question yourself.

5. Review

πŸ‘‰ Refer back to each part you have read. Test yourself by making up new questions or just answer the questions in the book again. If you cannot recall, find the answer scheme again.


Place : Dewan Kuliah 2
By : Dr Zul Adlan bin Mohd Hir
Date : 16th of August 2019

πŸ“Œ What is note taking?

Note taking is writing down the information from lecturers on your own understanding.

Using all the stationery above will make your lecture notes more interesting!


πŸ“Œ A way to organize the information
πŸ“Œ Enhance our memories
πŸ“Œ Keeps you alert
πŸ“Œ Engage with all main senses
πŸ“Œ Comes-in-handy in some situation (for example ; quiz)


8 ways to take better lecture notes

πŸ“Œ Don't jot down literally everything lecturer said!

Jot down only important or 'keywords' of the information. If you write down all the sentences that came out from your lecturer's mouth, you will miss a lot of things.

πŸ“Œ Pay ALL attention

Keep yourself focused on the content given by your lecturer. With a slight distraction, you might as well just borrow your friend's notes. (but I don't recommend that)

πŸ“Œ End your notes with an action

Review your notes and try recalling what your lecturer taught you afterward. To finally reach success, let your action speaks.


Oh wait, I didn't mean that HIGHLIGHT though ,..

Yes, that kind of highlight. Use highlighters with various colors and determine which colors should be the one you 'stressed about' or 'very important'. However, do not get distracted with your artistic and creative creations.

πŸ“Œ Make a space or gap

Calling out all the daydreamers out there, oh AGAIN. If you can't catch up or simply daydreaming about Chris Evans in the middle of lecture, don't worry! Leave some space or gap and then refer to your best friend's notes so that you are not left behind.

πŸ“Œ Be comfortable

Practice on a specific note taking pattern that you like. Use it daily and try another style to spice up your notes.

πŸ“Œ Get rid of distractions

Turn off your mobile data and keep your phone in silent mode. For a better result, turn off your mobile phone.

πŸ“Œ Share

When someone asks to review your notes, make sure he's a good person first. Just kidding. Knowledge is unlimited to anyone whether you're a criminal or an angel. Do share or trade your notes with your friends.


πŸ“Œ Review lecture notes
πŸ“ŒList the questions you are going to ask to your lecturer
πŸ“Œ Space up your mind for new information
πŸ“Œ Memorize keywords from previous notes
πŸ“Œ Prepare a paper with today's date at the top of your note


πŸ“Œ Take the seats on the front row

That's right. This is the only way for you to keep your focus on the lecturer no matter how you don't like him/her. Plus, this is a way to declare that you're willingly taking risks to participate in class.

πŸ“Œ Ask questions

Lecturer will usually tell the students the perfect time when to ask the questions. Be alert! However, if they don't say 'any questions?' until the end of class although you have some questions playing in mind, don't be afraid to meet them personally and ask. 

πŸ“Œ Turn on the audio recorder on your phone

Record your lecturer's voice and do listen to it when you're having free time. Use your free time wisely, mate.

Effective note taking system using Cornell Method

So, the activity for Module 6: Taking Lecture Notes asked to take lecture notes from a video about Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. I tried Cornell Method in taking the notes and here it is ..


Place : Dewan Kuliah 2
By : Madam Wan Noni Afida binti Ab Manan
Date : 16th of August 2019

What is academic integrity?

Academic integrity is an action of maintaining honesty and moral behavior in academic setting.

How does UiTM define academic dishonesty?


What is plagiarism?

Common ways to use information from internet

The reference list

It contains details of sources cited in a specific text.


In order to avoid plagiarisms, students must learn the basic of citation and include the reference list at the end of assignments.

For example :



Calculating Grade Point Average (GPA)

What is GPA?

πŸ’­ The result of final test and assessment at the end of every semester. Grades which is assigned by letter follows its value.

What is CGPA?

πŸ’­ Cummulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is the result of all GPA for each semester calculated together. 

How to calculate GPA?

GPA Worksheet

Thank you!

Get that education , mate!